How to Buy

Steps 1: Browse our site (

Steps 2 (For Creating Account): If you are the new customer, first you have to create a account by clicking Account and then click New User and fill a form with various details  and submitting the form  otherwise directly go to Step 3. You will be received a confirmation email with password after successful creation of your account.

NOTE: You can create account later after adding the products to cart.

Step 3 (For Login):    Login to our site with the received password and then purchase the product or without creating account and login, directly purchase the product.

Step 4 (For Adding the Product to Cart):    Click on Store or different Category in main navigation menu. Select the product & click on the Add to Cart button to add products to your shopping cart that you want to buy. To change the product quantity, simply click on + or – button. You may also search for any product on the search bar.

To remove an item already in the cart, you may click on the view cart button or cart icon which shows all the items that you want to buy and then click the cross button next to the product you want to remove from your cart. Repeat this if you want to purchase more than one products.

Step 5 (To View Cart): Click on View Cart and then Proceed the Checkout

Step 6 ( To Fill Addresses): Type Shipping & Billing Address Details & Phone Number and Click on Place Order.

Step 7 (To Select Payment Option): Choose and click on payment option and then Type details and click Pay.

Step 8 (To Fill OTP): Type OPT  and click Submit. A account automatically created and a password is send to your email.

Step 9 (To Login for Tracking Order): Login with this password to track order.

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